Do you love me?

(John 21:1-19) If I had been the savior of the world, and I had loved and served everyone and announced the good news of God’s reign of love and peace,…

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Easter, 2004

(Luke 24:1-12; John 20) Happy Easter everyone! We celebrate the greatest day of the year, the greatest day in history, the day that changes everything for us. I just want…

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Good Friday, 2004

(John 18:1-19:42) On this solemn Good Friday, I just want to make three little points. First, notice again how Jesus responds to all the terrible things that happen to him.…

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Holy Thursday, 2004

(John 13: 1-15) It’s Passover night, and at this intimate moment with Jesus at the Last Supper, Jesus does this amazing thing. He bends down and washes their feet. Then…

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Let the One Without Sin Cast the First Stone

(John 8:1-11) Jesus is teaching in the Temple, and attracts a huge crowd, but the Scribes and the Pharisees are out to get him, so they catch this poor woman…

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The Prodigal Son

(Luke 15:1-3, 11-32) This is one of the greatest stories ever told. Jesus is a genius storyteller and he tells this parable because the Pharisees and Scribes were mad at…

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The Woman at the Well

(John 4:5:42) I would like to look at this great story from John’s Gospel and see what we can learn from it. The first to notice is that Jesus is…

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From the Mountain to the Cross

(Luke 9:28-26) One way to look at the famous episode of the Transfiguration is to see there the three stages of the spiritual life: going up the mountain with Jesus;…

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God Alone Shall You Serve

(Luke 4:1-13) The story goes that after Jesus was baptized and heard God call him “My Beloved,” he does something equally extraordinary. Instead of calling attention to himself, he walks…

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Love Your Enemies

(Luke 6: 27-38) The good news is that God loves each one of us infinitely, unconditionally, and completely. We don’t deserve it, we can’t claim credit for it, and we…

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