Upcoming Schedule of In-Person Events

Dec. 5-7, 2022
Rome, Italy
“Conference on Pope Francis & Gospel Nonviolence,”
Jan. 18, 2023
Mount Saint Mary House of Prayer, Watchung, NJ
“Nonviolence: A Zoom Conversation,”

March 9, 2023
Palm Desert, CA
“Following the Nonviolent Jesus,”
St. Margaret’s Church, contact: jackieconley727@gmail.com

John Dear’s 2024 Speaking Schedule:

Thursday, Jan. 11th, Monterey, CA
San Carlos Cathedral Parish hall, 7:00 p.m.  www.Sancarloscathedral.org
Contact: Andrew Bear, 1andrewbear@gmail.com  – 408-341-5461

Saturday, Jan. 13th, Corte Madera, Marin, CA
Book Passage Bookstore, 4:00 p.m.
Contact: Cheryl Bronstein, events@bookpassage.com415-927-0960

Thursday, Jan. 18th, Portland, OR
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, www.trinity-episcopal.org
Contact: Fumi Tosu, fumi@dandelionhouse.org, or ftosu@me.com, or ftosu@mac.com – 408-910-7074

Friday, Jan. 19th, Bellevue, WA
St. Mary on the Lake Peace & Spirituality Center,  www.csjp.org/psc 1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue. 6:00 p.m.
Contact: Sarah Bailey,  sbailey@csjp-olp.org  425-635-3600.


Sunday, Jan. 21st, San Francisco, CA
9:30-10:30 am, “The Forum,” In Conversation with Dean Malcolm Young, 11-12:15, Preaching during the worship service.
Contact: Rebecca, Rebeccan@gracecathedral.org – 415-749-6355

Saturday, Jan. 27th, Berkeley, CA
UC Berkeley Newman Center/Holy Spirit Parish, 2700 Dwight Way, Pax Christi event: 9:30 a.m.-noon
Contact: Dennise Burgess, denniseburgess@gmail.com – 510-303-9767

Monday, Jan. 29th, San Luis Obispo, CA
Rotary Club Luncheon,  Madonna Inn
100 Madonna Rd., noon, www.slorotary.org  

Wednesday, Jan. 31st, Palm Desert, CA
St. Margaret’s Church, 47535 Hwy. 74 – 7:00 pm
Contact:  Dave Berghof, dewi1944@gmail.com

Thursday, Feb. 1st, Phoenix, AZ
Franciscan Renewal Center, www.thecasa.org 5802 E. Lincoln Dr., Scottsdale – 7:00 p.m.
Contact: Charlie Brown, charlie@thecasa.org – 480-948-7460. Also, Mark Klym – 602-799-4572


Saturday, Feb. 3rd, Albuquerque, NM
St. John XXIII Catholic church, with Archbishop John Wester – 10 a.m. www.johnxxiiicc.org 4831 Tramway Ridge Dr., NE,  Albuquerque, NM
Contact: Judy Traeger, judyetraeger@gmail.com – 505-974-1248

Sunday, Feb. 4th, Santa Fe, NM
First Presbyterian church, 208 Grant Ave.
(off the plaza), www.fpcsantafe.org  preach at 10 a.m. worship service, followed by book event at 1:00 pm.
Contact: Rev. Harry Eberts, harry@fpcsantafe.org – 505-982-8544

Saturday, Feb. 24th, Los Angeles, CA
St. Paul the Apostle Church, 10750 Ohio Ave,. LA, www.sp-apostle.org, 11 a.m.
Contact: Fr. Gilbert Martinez, CSP.  gmartinez@sp-apostle.org – 310-474-1527

Thursday, Feb. 29th, Tulsa/Edmond, OK
Disciples of Christ Church, www.edmondtrinity.org
Contact: Don Heath, donheathjr@sbcglobal.net – 405-348-8019

Saturday, March 2nd, Kansas City, MO
St. Therese the Little Flower Church, 5814 Euclid Ave., 10 a.m. to noon.
Contact: Mike Matteuzzi, mmatteuzzi@ma2zlaw.com816-550-4710.

Sunday, March 3rd, Coralville, Iowa (near Iowa City)
St. Thomas More Church, 3000 12th Ave., 6:00 pm social, 7:00 event
Contact: Fr. Church Adams, adamc@diodav.org, and Lee Mickey, evalee@southslope.net

Thursday, March 7th, Hickory Hills, South Chicago, IL
St. Patricia Catholic Church, 9080 S. 86th Ave. – 6:30 p.m.
Contact: Fr. Mike Meany, frmeany@stpatriciaparish.com – 708-710-8271

Friday, March 8th , Woodridge/Chicago, IL
Christ the Servant Church, 8700 Havens Dr., Woodridge, IL 60517.  www.ctswoodridge.org, 630-910-0770. 7:00 pm.
Contact: Karen Jackson, kajackson15@gmail.com – 630-969-7644

Saturday, March 9th, Chicago, IL
Cenacle Sisters Retreat Center, 3800 West Peterson Ave., 1:00 p.m. www.cenaclesisters.org/ministry/retreats-programs
Contact: Mark Piper, mpiper@cenaclesisters.org – 773-343-9131.

Sunday, March 10th, Chicago, IL
Saint Sabina Catholic church, with Fr. Mike Pfleger, 1210 West 78th Place, www.saintsabina.org preach at 10 a.m. Mass, followed by book event.
Contact church:  773-483-4300

Monday, March 11th, Oak Park, IL
St. Giles Catholic church, 1025 Colombian Ave, (Chicago). 
Contact: Dr. Marci Madary, mmadary@stgilesparish.org 708-383-3430, ext. 404.

Tuesday, March 12th, San Antonio, Texas
University of the Incarnate Word, Student Engagement Center Ballroom, 7 pm.
Contacts: Sr. Martha Ann Kirk, kirk@uiwtx.ed and Arthur Dawes, arthurdawes@att.net – 210-213-5919

Wednesday, March 13th, Austin, Texas
St. James Episcopal Church, 1941 Webberville Rd., www.stjamesaustin.org
Contact: Rev. Eileen O’Brien, rector@stjamesaustin.org – 202-716-9055

Thursday, March 14th, Birmingham, Alabama
Baptist Church of the Covenant, 2117 University Ave., 7 pm.
Contact: Shelley Douglass, shelleymdouglass@gmail.com 629-278-3124.

Saturday, March 16th, Biloxi, Mississippi
Our Lady of Fatima Parish, www.olfatima-biloxi.com, 2090 Pass Rd. – 10 a.m.
Contact: Fr. Greg Barras, gregmbarras@gmail.com – 228-297-2482

Sunday, March 17th, St. Petersburg, FL
Lakewood United Church of Christ, 2601 54th Ave. South. www.lakewooducc.org
Contact: Pastor Kim Wells, wells.kim.p@gmail.com 727-867-7961

Wednesday, April 3rd, Springfield, MA
Springfield College, 263 Alden Road, www.springfield.edu
Contact: David McMahon, dmcmahon@springfieldcollege.edu – 413-748-3210

Thursday April 4th, Binghamton, NY
St. Francis of Assisi Church, 1049 Chenango St., www.stfrancisbing.org
Contact: Rev. Tim Taugher, taughertim@hotmail.com – 607-722-4388

Friday, April 5th, Erie, PA
Mt. St. Benedict, Benedictine Sisters, 6101 East Lake Rd., www.eriebenedictines.org
Contact: Sr. Anne McCarthy, annemcc@benetvision.org – 814-899-0614

Sunday, April 7th, Harlem, New York City
St. Charles Borromeo Church, 211 West 141st St., Harlem, www.scbrchurch.org, 10 am Mass, preach, followed by book event
Contact: Fr. Willem Klaver, wilhelmus1960@gmail.com – 914-770-0697

Tuesday, April 9th, Lexington, KY
Holy Spirit Catholic Newman Center, Univ. of Kentucky, with Bishop John Stowe, President of Pax Christi USA, 320 Rose Lane, www.uknewman.com
Contact: Rev. Anthony McLaughlin, amclaughlin@cdlex.org – 855-255-8566, and Sr. Ellen Kehoe, ekehoe@cdlex.org

Wednesday, April 10th, Nashville, TN
Christ the King Catholic Church, 3001 Belmont Blvd, www.ctk.org
Contact: Jon Stotts, Jon.stotts@ctk-nashville.org 615-777-8910

Thursday, April 11th, Louisville, KY
7:00 pm, Passionist Earth and Spirit Center, 1924 Newburg Rd.,
CONTACT: Mark Meade, 502-272-8099, mmeade@bellarmine.edu
Sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center, See: www.merton.org/dear

Friday, April 12th, Cincinnati, OH
St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 100 Miami Ave., Terrace Park – 7:00 p.m., www.stthomasepiscopal.org
Contact: Rev. Darren Elin, darren@stthomasepiscopal.org – 513-448-7999

Sunday, April 14th, Cleveland, Ohio
Pilgrim Congregational Church, 2592 W. 14th St., 3:00 PM
Contact: Rev. Doug Horner, revdchorner@gmail.com – 216-392-5626

Tuesday, April 16th, Guelph, Canada
All Saints Lutheran Anglican church, 210 Silvercreek Parkway N., Guelph, Rev. Brian Wilker – 519-830-8084 – 3:00 p.m.
Contact: Jon Fogleman, jonanddianne@rogers.com – 519-836-2946

Wednesday, April 17th, Tiffin, Ohio
96 South Monroe Street
Contact: Sr. Paulette Schroeder at paulet1905@outlook.com

Thursday, April 18th, Syracuse, NY
St. Lucy’s Church, 432 Gifford St., www.saintlucys.org
Contact: Corrine Driscoll, cdriscoll61@icloud.com

Friday, April 19th, Pittsburgh, PA
Duquense University, 600 Forbes Ave., www.duq.edu
Contact: Sr. Barbara Finch, b.a.finch@att.net AND sisterpeace@yahoo.com412-716-9750

Sunday, April 21st, Nashville, TN
Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral, 3:30 in the afternoon, 900 Broadway, 616-255-7729, www.christcathedral.org
Contact: Christina Isbell, christinaisbell22@yahoo.com – 615-479-0229

Saturday, April 27th, Palo Alto, CA
Mitchell Park Library, Palo Alto Room, 3700 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto CA 94303, 2-4pm.
Contact: Barbara Kent, bakent@earthlink.net – 650-704-1495
Sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center of Palo Alto, CA

Wednesday, May 1st, Lancaster, PA
Community Mennonite Church, 328 West Orange St., www.communitymennonite.org
Contact: Brad Wolf, bradwolf1310@gmail.com – 717-468-8101

Thursday, May 2nd, Litchfield, CT
Wisdom House, 229 East Litchfield Road, 7:00 p.m, www.wisdomhouse.org
Contact: Patricia Torre, patricia@wisdomhouse.org – 860-567-3163

Friday May 3rd-Sunday, May 5th, East Stroudsburg, PA
Kirkridge Retreat Center, Weekend Retreat on the Gospel of Peace, www.kirkridge.org, 2495 Fox Gap Rd., Bangor, PA
Contact: Lydia, lydiawk@kirkridge.org – 610-588-1793

Tuesday, May 7th, Watchung, NJ
Mount St. Mary House of Prayer, 1651 US-22, Watchung – 7:00 pm, www.msmhope.org
Contact: Sr. Laura Arvin, Sr.laura@msmhope.org – 908-753-2091

Wednesday, May 8th, Boston, MA
Sacred Heart Parish, 169 Cummins Highway, Roslindale, MA
Contact: Fr. Brian Clary, revbmc@gmail.com – 617-325-3322

Thursday, May 9th, Newburyport, MA
Central Congregational Church, 14 Titcomb St.
Contact: Rev. Chris Nye, chris@centralnewburyport.org – 978-465-0533

Fri, May 10th, New York City, NY
Maryhouse Catholic Worker, 55 East Third St. – 7:00 pm, Friday night mtg

Monday, May 13th, Kalamazoo, MI
St. Thomas More Student Parish, 421 Monroe Ave., 49006. www.sttomskazoo.org Fr. Paul Redmond, frpaul@sttomskazoo.org pm
Contacts: Jerry Berrigan, jerry.berrigan@gmail.com  Tim Fallon, fallon@theclariongroup.com

Wednesday, May 15th, Washington, D.C.
Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land, 1400 Quincy Street, NE. 7:00 pm. 
Contact: Michele Dunne, mdunne@franciscanaction.org

Saturday, May 18th, Santa Barbara, CA
Trinity Episcopal Church, 1500 State Street, www.trinitysb.org 2:00 pm.
Contact: Rev. Sarah Thomas, sthomas@trinitysb.org 805-965-7419, x105. Preach on Sunday May 19th for Pentecost at both services.

July 17-21st, Marriottsville, Baltimore, MD
“Following the Nonviolent Jesus: Living the Gospel Life of Peace, Love & Nonviolence Today,” 
Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center, 1525 Marriottsville Rd., www.bonsecoursrcc.org 5 day Retreat.
Contact: Doris Gallagher, events manager, 410-442-3146. Doris.gallagher@bonsecoursrcc.org

Thursday, August 22nd, Ghost Ranch, New Mexico
7 pm Keynote talk, “The Faith Basis for Courage to Prevent Gun Violence,” Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, James Atwood Institute. 
Contact: www.presbypeacefellowship.org/events and Rev. Harry Eberts of Santa Fe, NM: harry@fpcsantafe.org 
See also, www.ghostranch.org Free.

Wednesday, Aug. 28th, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Upaya Zen Center, Wed. night dharma talk; 5:30 pm, free. www.upaya.org

Tuesday, Sept. 24-26th, Portland, Maine
“Walking with Jesus on the Road to Emmaus,” retreat.

Saturday, September 28th, Standish, Maine
“Living Peace, Practicing Nonviolence: The Lessons of Jesus, Gandhi and King for Today”
St. Joseph College, 278 Whites Bridge Rd. www.sjcme.edu 9-3:00.

Sunday, Sept. 29th, Windham, Maine
Unity Center for Spiritual Growth, Preaching at Sunday morning service, followed by “The Gospel of Peace” book talk and signing.  
54 River Rd., Windham. 207-893-1233. Contact: Pat. revpatbessey@gmail.com cell: 757-636-8241.

Wednesday, October 3rd.  Williamsport, PA
“The Gospel of Peace” book talk and signing. 
New Covenant United Church of Christ, 202 East 3rd St., 7:00 pm. 
Contact: Jim Foran, jimstjosephtheworker@gmail.com 570-916-6277

Saturday, October 19th, Santa Clara, CA
“The Gospel of Peace” book talk and signing. 10:30 am.
St. Clare Church, 725 Washington St., Contact: Kay Tierney, wordsbykay@comcast.net 510-683-3899.

Sunday, October 20th, Fremont, CA
“The Gospel of Peace” book talk and signing, afternoon.
Dominican Center for Education and Spirituality, the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, (behind the Old Mission San Jose), 43326 Mission Blvd., Fremont.
Contact: Sr. Marcia Krause, sistermarci@gmail.com 510-502-5797

Nov. 21-23, San Diego, CA
American Academy of religion, pre-conference.
“Nonviolence as Vocation: A Panel discussion on ‘The Gospel of Peace’”
Hosted by the Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education, Council of Independent Colleges; as part of their two day pre-conference preceding the American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature annual event.
Contact: David Cunningham, dcunningham@cic.edu 616-632-1060

December, 6-8, Big Sur, CA
“The Advent of the God of Peace: A Weekend Retreat,” 
New Camaldoli Monastery, Big Sur, Highway 1. 
To register, visit www.contemplation.com or contact Louise at louise@contemplation.com