2024 Speaking Tour
Host Fr. John Dear on his 2024 Speaking Tour for his Forthcoming Orbis Book: “’The Gospel of Peace: A Commentary on Matthew, Mark and Luke from the Perspective of Nonviolence.” For more info, click here
March 24, 2025
#12, Fr. John Dear in conversation with Shane Claiborne on resistance, organizing & Gospel living

Next week…
The Nonviolent Jesus Podcast welcomes Fr. John Dear! For more information, visit here.
March 17, 2025
#11, Fr. John Dear in conversation with Brian McLaren on how Jesus resisted authoritarianism and how we can too
Next week…
The Nonviolent Jesus Podcast welcomes Shane Claiborne! For more information, visit here.

John Dear’s new book now available!
“The Gospel of Peace:
Reading Matthew, Mark & Luke
from the Perspective of Nonviolence”
To invite John Dear to speak in your city, write to: john@beatitudescenter.org
click here
Recent Books
Recent Articles
War is the Ultimate Failure
Today, in the name of the God of peace, we say to the United States: we are sick and tired of your endless wars, your military spending, your nuclear weapons, your global domination, your violence, your imperialism and fascism and corporate greed and permanent warfare. We remember the U.S. war on Iraq, and how we killed millions of sisters and brothers there for a great lie, to steal their oil and sell weapons and help the one percent get richer. We remember the U.S. war on Afghanistan, and how we killed and injured countless innocent civilians for a great lie so we could get their oil and sow chaos in the world and sell weapons. With thousands of people in over twenty demonstrations across the nation we say today, enough is enough! No more endless wars!
Daniel Ellsberg, Prophet of Truth and Disarmament
A few months before he died on Friday, June 16th, famed whistle blower and peace activist Daniel Ellsberg sent an email letter to hundreds of friends announcing that he had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given three months or so to live. After reflecting on his life’s work for peace, he announced that he was full of “joy and gratitude” and wished the same for all of us who work to end war.
My Long Lost Conversation with John Lewis
Last summer, after Congressman John Lewis died, I posted a photo on social media of me and John from a memorable afternoon we spent together in his congressional office. It was 26 years ago. We had talked for a while, and then filmed a formal conversation on nonviolence.
Needless to say, it was one of the greatest days of my exciting life.
Recent News

John Dear on “Democracy Now” talking about Thich Nhat Hanh and Archbishop Tutu

“Jesus was totally nonviolent and calls us to practice and teach Gospel nonviolence and welcome God’s reign of peace and nonviolence, which means from now on, we work for the abolition of war, poverty, racism, gun violence, the death penalty, nuclear weapons, environmental destruction, and all violence.” – Fr. John Dear

Visit Fr. John Dear’s Work at:
The Beatitudes Center for the Nonviolent Jesus
Free, weekly podcast: “The Nonviolent Jesus Podcast“
Contact Fr. John Dear via the email or mailing address at: www.beatitudescenter.org