Peace Be With You

(John 20: 19-31) We continue to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, to rejoice with the disciples, and to pray that we become an Easter people, people of the resurrection, people…

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Living the Beatitudes

(Matthew 5:1-11) We gather this morning for a day of prayer and pilgrimage of prayer for peace, from Chimayo to Los Alamos, under our theme, “For the future of earth’s…

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Christ is risen!

(Mark 16:1-7) Christ is risen! Happy Easter everyone! Tonight we celebrate the greatest day of the year, the greatest day in history, the day that changed the world and changes…

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Good Friday

John 18:1-19:42 Dear friends, I invite you to enter into the solemn events of Good Friday, to be with Jesus as he suffers and dies on the cross, and to…

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Holy Thursday

(John 13: 1-15) Tonight on Holy Thursday, we remember Jesus' last day, as he shared the Passover Meal with his friends and prayed in agony in the Garden of Gethsemane…

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Where I Am, There Also Will My Servant Be

(John 12: 20-33) A friend of mine tells a story about meeting Mother Theresa in 1990 in San Diego and witnessing a conversation between Mother Theresa and Tony Robbins, the…

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Letting the Nonviolent Christ Save Us

(John 3:14-21) As usual, I would like to look at this passage from John's Gospel, see what it says and what it might mean for us, and I see it…

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Turning Over the Tables of Injustice

(John 2:13-25) Many of us would probably prefer if Jesus were more like Buddha and the Dalai Lama, sitting in the lotus position, telling us that God loves us, and…

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Listen to Jesus!

(Mark 9:2-10) Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem. He knows his days are numbered, that he must confront injustice and that the ruling authorities are determined to kill him,…

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The Spirit drove Jesus into the desert

(Mark 1: 12-15) Every year on the first Sunday of Lent, we hear how Jesus goes into the desert. This year we have the short version, from the Gospel of…

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