(Mark 6: 1-6) Last week we talked about saints and how we are all called to become saints. This week, the church invites us to think about prophets, and how…
(Acts 12:1-11; 2 Tim. 4: 6-8,17-18; Mt. 16:13-19) I was thinking this week that we are all called to become saints. To be a saint is not just to be…
(Mark 14:12-26) This week, I spent several days at the Trappist monastery in Snowmass, Colorado and spoke at a reception in Aspen with my friends Daniel Berrigan and Jonathan Schell.…
(Matthew 28: 16-20) On this feast of the Holy Trinity, I thought we could at three simple questions: "How do you describe, imagine, envision the Holy Trinity? What does the…
(John 13:31-35) Shortly before he is arrested, on the night before he was killed, Jesus tells his disciples a new commandment, “Love one another as I have loved you.” I…
(John 15:1-8) This week, I had two visitors, two young Jesuit novices. When you enter the Jesuits, after a few months, they send you off with a bus ticket to…
(John 10: 11-18) On behalf of everyone, I congratulate and thank all our Mothers on this Mother's day, and we bless you in your vocation with your children and families.…
(Luke 24:35-48) We continue to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and today we hear the conclusion from Luke. This appearance of the risen Jesus offers three movements of the spiritual…