The Rich Man and Jesus

(Mark 10:17-30) I got a letter recently from the Archbishop asking every priest to talk a little today about the death penalty, so I thought I’d tell you a story…

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St. Francis of Assisi

(Mark 10:2-16) In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us to welcome the reign of God like a child. No one did that better than St. Francis, so I want to say…

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Enter Into Life

(James 5:1-6; Mark 9:38-48) Someone from Cimarron asked me the other day, “According to the bible, who is in charge of making the coffee?” I said, “Excuse me.” She said,…

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Sowing the Seeds of Peace

(James 3:16-4.3; Mark 9:30-37) There are three movements in our Gospel passage today. First, Jesus is on a journey and he is talking seriously to his disciples, telling them, “The…

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The Cross

(Philippians 2: 6-11; John 3: 13-17) Today's feast, the Exultation of the Holy Cross, goes back 1700 years to when the Roman emperor Constantine had a vision of the cross…

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Be Opened!

(Mark 7:31-37) I planned talk about how God helps the mute to speak, but I’ve just been struck with laryngitis, so God must be trying to tell me something! This…

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Disarm Our Hearts!

(Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23) Mark tells us today how Jesus and his disciples were cornered by the Pharisees and scribes, these religious officials who act like "religious police," like…

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Do you also want to leave?

(John 6: 60-69 ) We're halfway through the story of Jesus, and apparently, it dawned on dozens of Jesus' disciples that this person they have been following is serious, that…

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Life Within Us

John 6:51-58 Good morning and welcome everyone. It's good to be back in New Mexico. Last week, I spoke in Santa Fe at the Pax Christi evening of prayer and…

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(Mark 6: 7-13) Two weeks ago, I told you that you were all called to become saints. Last week, I told you were also called to become prophets. This week,…

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