Letter From The Desert
Report from New Mexico (December 2002) New Mexico has some of the most stunning, unusual, even mystical landscapes in the nation. When Georgia O'Keefe first visited, she fell in love…
Report from New Mexico (December 2002) New Mexico has some of the most stunning, unusual, even mystical landscapes in the nation. When Georgia O'Keefe first visited, she fell in love…
Lord make me an instrument of your peace-- Let me serve as a channel of your love and peace, a reconciler of peoples, an apostle of Gospel nonviolence. Help me…
As the U.S. bombs Afghanistan and over seven million poverty-stricken refugees flee to the freezing mountains, the U.S. Catholic bishops met in Washington, D.C. and declared their support for war.…
One of the great voices for peace, Richard McSorley, died on October 17, 2002, in the intensive care unit at Georgetown University hospital in Washington, D.C. He was 88 years…
One year ago, I started volunteering like thousands of other New Yorkers, to assist the grieving and help those in need. I spent many long days at the Family Assistance…
The ongoing revelations of scandals in the Catholic church are appalling. That one child was ever hurt, much less hundreds or even thousands, is unconscionable. That they were hurt by…
Two months before he died, on December 6, 2002, my friend Philip Berrigan wrote a reflection on prayer based on his reading of my book on Gandhi. His call to…
Then the men stepped forward, seized Jesus and arrested him. With that, one of Jesus' companions reached for his sword, drew it out and struck the servant of the high…
In honor of Dr. King's birthday, several hundred people of faith and conscience gathered in New York City for a weekend of prayer and discussion about the U.S. bombing of…
Heading to war with Iraq is a grave mistake. It can only lead to catastrophic consequences for the suffering people of Iraq, other suffering people around the world and ourselves.…