In Los Angeles, for Fire Drill Fridays (Feb., 2020)

By John Dear On Friday, February 7th, the temperature in Antartica reached 65 degrees. That’s never happened before. Yes, the sick, corrupt president was impeached and acquitted by sick, corrupt…

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A Christmas Arrest for Climate Justice, December 2019

By Rev. John Dear (Dec. 23, 2019) Each Christmas, we celebrate the birthday of Jesus, whom Gandhi called the greatest person of nonviolence in history. Alas, he lamented, the only…

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The Resurrection of Dr. King, January 2019

Over the last fifty years, there have been thousands of nonviolent movements for peace and justice that have made huge strides, and at the heart of every one of those…

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Unity and Diversity in the Land of Nonviolence

By Rev. John Dear (Published in Richard Rohr’s magazine, Oneing, Fall 2018) “I believe in the essential unity of humanity, and for that matter, of all that lives,” Gandhi once…

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Protest! Protest! Protest!

Two weeks ago, after CODEPINK friends disrupted the Capitol hearings, the man in the White House (I like Harry Potter--“He Who Shall Not Be Named”) said that protesting should be…

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The Progressive Magazine Interviews John Dear, June, 2018

“Nonviolence Is Courageous and Daring:” The Progressive Magazine Interviews Rev. John Dear. (June, 2018) (This interview was held at the Progressive magazine office in Madison, Wis., and conducted by Norman…

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St. Anthony Messenger magazine Interviews John Dear, May, 2018

by Mark Lombard   Father John Dear is a priest of the Monterey, California Diocese and outreach coordinator for Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service, an independent, non-denominational 501(c)(3) organization founded…

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On the Road to Peace

On the Road to Peace A Monthly Newsletter from Fr. John April, 2018 Dear friends, Peace be with you! Fifty years ago, on April 3, 1968, the night before he…

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